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America Corrupts the World: Even under Trump, the American Embassy in Kingston, Jamaica flies the LGBTQ-activist “rainbow flag” under Old Glory. But Jamaicans know that immoral “gay-” and “transgender” “rights” inherently destroy real freedoms. Photo: Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society. June 2017.

Folks, the following column was published Sunday in the Jamaica Gleaner. It is written by Shirley Richards. a wise Christian advocate for genuine rights and moral truth whom I had the privilege of meeting in Jamaica when I spoke there in 2013. Below Richards ably explains the difference between genuine rights based on a moral philosophy, rooted in timeless Judeo-Christian truth–and counterfeit “gay/transgender rights,” which “compete with, and undermine, fundamental human rights and freedoms.”

Smart Jamaicans–and peoples all over the world–are trying to learn from the USA’s and the West’s failed experiment of creating sodomy-based “rights,” which became the foundation for the modern Western abomination of “same-sex marriage.” Meanwhile, the United States and other decadent Western nations–and leftist organizations like the George Soros-funded Human Rights Watch –are pressuring Jamaica and many other nations to join our illicit “rights” revolution.

At right is a current photo of the American Embassy in Kingston, flying the LGBT “rainbow flag” (as it did under Obama)–thereby telegraphing to this small nation that, even under Trump, we will use our immense political and economic power to “persuade” them to embrace a system of newfangled legal “rights” that inherently destroys liberty. Let’s hope we don’t prevail, and that Donald Trump gets America out of the business of exporting the immoral, anti-Christian LGBT “rights” revolution. — @Peter LaBarbera. Americans For Truth; see my LifeSiteNews articles here .

Majority view on gay rights must have sway

By Shirley Richards

Published in Jamaica Gleaner, June 11, 2017

In an article written by Dr. Carolyn Gomes published [in the Jamaica Gleaner ] on Sunday, May 28, 2017, she stated, in relation to the development of the [Jamaican] Charter of Rights. “The Parliament, however, appears to be timid. It has not acted on the recommendation to ensure that all citizens are protected from discrimination on the basis of disability, health status, if they speak Patois, have a mental illness, or are different in sexual orientation and gender identity.”

These were recommendations made by various interest groups. They were debated by the joint select committee of Parliament on the Charter of Rights (Constitutional Amendment) Bill and decisions were made to accept or reject accordingly.

The Parliament had then, and still does have, a responsibility to allow for citizens to make submissions, but there was, and still is, the corresponding responsibility to sift submissions and to decide which ones are in the best interests of the country. Parliament must examine all the relevant studies and data. They must also have an understanding of the impact of these decisions on the country both now and in time to come and be satisfied that such decisions are in fact for the good of the country.

In determining what is in the “best interests” of the country, they cannot afford to disregard the voice of the people. Specifically, the members of the House of Representatives are there to represent the people, not to foist their own viewpoints on the people, a point Justice Minister Delroy Chuck . as a member of said House, may do well to remember. As the late [First Premier of Jamaica] Norman Manley. QC, said on the occasion of the passage of the 1962 [Jamaican] Constitution :

“As a politician, sir, I would be the first person to acclaim every instance in which the public succeeds in having their way … for we, sir, are their servants and are here to execute their will.”

As it relates to the issue of “sexual orientation”, the joint select committee (1999-2001) debated the request by the Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays to protect ‘sexual orientation’ as grounds for non-discrimination. The committee expressly decided not to protect this term. The committee was concerned about the impact of such a term on the institution of marriage and on parenting.

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Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) released the following statement Thursday, attributed to Senior Counsel Gregory S. Baylor,regarding a summary the White House released late Wednesday about an executive order on religious liberty issued by President Trump on the National Day of Prayer, May 4:

“During his campaign, President Trump stated that the first priority of his administration would be to preserve and protect religious liberty. In speeches, he said the Little Sisters of the Poor and other people of faith will always have their religious liberty protected on his watch and will not have to face bullying from the government because of their religious beliefs. Religious voters took him at his word, giving the president a mandate to affirm and protect Americans’ first freedom.

“The current outline of the Religious Liberty Executive Order released by White House officials recalls those campaign promises but leaves them unfulfilled.

“First, no specific relief is offered to families like the Vander Boons in Michigan, who were threatened with the effective closure of their family-run business for simply expressing a religious point of view on marriage that differed from that of the federal government.

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On April 1, I spoke at a Texas Mass Resistance conference in Austin that was put on by my good friend Brian Camenker. founder of national Mass Resistance. and Texas MR leader Robert Oscar Lopez –both brilliant pro-family strategists. Here is my presentation, dealing with the Human Wrongs Rights Campaign’s (HRC )’s ongoing pressure campaign to get major corporations to promote the radical LGBTQ agenda. Most Americans haven’t a clue about how successful HRC’s pro-perversion “CEI” (Corporate Equality Index ) campaign has been. It even has an explicit anti-family component that punishes a corporation with negative points if it supports, say, a pro-national-marriage ministry. You can watch the other speeches at this excellent event on the main MR site. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

Under Obama, homosexual activist groups like Equality Florida used the White House Easter Egg Roll to promote homosexuality-based “marriage.”

By Peter LaBarbera

Most people think of the annual White House Easter Egg Roll as a special event for children, but under the Obama presidency, it took on a dual, political purpose as another excuse to promote sexually aberrant “LGBT” lifestyles and “gay parenting.”

That is apparently not happening this year at the Easter Egg Roll under President Trump, and some LGBTQ activists are hoping that’s only because the Trump administration is just getting started. The Egg Roll will be held today (Easter Monday) on the White House lawn, and is expected to draw 20,000 people, according to the New York Times. in an article about how behind the Trump team is in pulling it together.

The Washington Blade. a D.C. newspaper for homosexuals, reported April 12 that, “Because of the event’s emphasis on family, the [White House] Easter Egg Roll in years past has served as a vehicle to promote LGBT families and their children at times when relationship recognition was threatened by efforts to ban same-sex marriage or progressing as litigation seeking marriage equality proceeded through the courts.”

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‘First, Do Great Harm’: The American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) is now officially partnering with the anti-Christian homosexual-transgender lobby organization Human Rights Campaign.

By Laurie Higgins

Reprinted with permission from the Illinois Family Institute website ; first published April 5, 2017

I’ve read umpteen times that the 66,000-member American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) supports the use of opposite-sex restrooms and locker rooms in schools by gender-dysphoric students. Wowzer! 66,000? That’s a lot of pediatricians.

A few weeks ago I got to ruminating on that mind-boggling claim. It seemed implausible that all 66,000 pediatricians could believe something so radical. So, I set off on a quest to dig into this claim, and what I learned is surprising.

Fortunately for me and my quest, there’s another medical organization that has sprung up precisely because of the radical positions taken by the AAP: the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds). You may have heard of ACPeds because the very name sends shivers of revulsion (or is it fear) up the spines of liberals everywhere. Why? Is it because ACPeds is composed of charlatans and snake oil salespersons who received their medical degrees from Rufus T. Firefly’s University of Freedonia?

ACPeds is ridiculed because it holds different positions on the treatment of gender-dysphoria in minors. Leftists are reluctant to discredit ACPeds based solely on disagreement about treatment protocols because that argument becomes circular: “You can’t trust ACPeds because it doesn’t support ‘gender affirmative’ protocols, and we all know ‘gender affirmative’ protocols are right.”

So, how do liberals attempt to discredit ACPeds which was founded just 15 years ago? They do so by citing the fact that ACPeds’ membership numbers are lower than those of the AAP, which was founded 87 years ago. Still a fallacious argument (i.e. appeal to popularity), but it works as a soundbite and it works for ignorant school board members.,

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By Micah Clark
Reprinted from the AFA of Indiana newsletter

There is an excellent article from John Stonestreet, the president of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. detailing a surprisingly honest article in the liberal publication, The Huffington Post. Stonestreet comments on a homosexual male who wrote an article expressing his despair in his lifestyle and explaining that so many “gay” men in his community share this despair. The cultural, legal and political affirmation of homosexuality in America is not filling the emptiness many feel or reducing the many risks of their lifestyle.

“For years,” he begins, “I’ve noticed the divergence between my straight friends and my gay friends. While one half of my social circle has disappeared into relationships, kids and suburbs, the other has struggled through isolation and anxiety, hard drugs and risky (behavior).”

Through story after story and mountains of statistics, Hobbes then documents a consistent and chilling trend among those who share his lifestyle. “Gay men everywhere, at every age,” he writes, are two-to-ten-times more likely than heterosexual men to commit suicide.

And that’s just the beginning. Homosexual males also suffer from higher rates of cardiovascular disease, cancer, allergies, asthma, and a whole host of behavior-related infections and dysfunctions. They’re twice as likely to experience major depressive episodes, report having fewer close friends, and abuse drugs at an alarming rate.

In fact, living in so-called “gay neighborhoods” is a predictor of more frequent, risky behaviors and methamphetamine use. And, Hobbes adds, the community itself is brutal and degrading to its members. Smart-phone hookup apps drive a culture of exploitation and casual encounters that one young man he interviewed said made him feel like “a piece of meat.”

We often hear these disastrous statistics and stories attributed to homophobia, bullying, and shame. Having been treated horribly since childhood, men like this author—the oft-repeated myth goes—are forced to live a lie. They’re depressed because they’ve been oppressed and repressed.

But here’s the problem with the bullying hypothesis. In countries like the Netherlands and Sweden where same-sex “marriage” has been the law of the land for years, gay men remain three times more susceptible to mood disorders and three- to ten-times more likely to engage in “suicidal self-harm.”

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Secret Monsters:Dr. Richard Keller, a 56-year-old father of a two year old and a pediatric endocrinologist at Boston Children’s Hospital and pediatrics instructor at Harvard Medical School, was arrested, 13 September 2012, on child porn charges. He was Medical Director at Phillips Academy (alumni include George H.W. and George W. Bush) for 19 years before suddenly resigning. having possessed over 100 DVDs of child sex abuse. See Dr. Hanrahan’s list of convicted pedophile “doctors trading in child rape.”

Below is a piece by my friend Linda Harvey–recipient of the 2016 AFTAH Truth Teller Award–summarizing Dr. Handrahan’s work. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

Professors Who Are Child-Porn Monsters

By Linda Harvey – Opinion

What in the world goes through the mind and heart of a child abuser? A child rapist? Or the person who collects images of children being raped and tortured and exchanges them with other viewers, mostly middle-aged white males?

Dr. Lori Handrahan has done extensive research on this subject and what she has discovered is horrifying.

Child pornography use is rapidly escalating and the subject matter often involves younger children and more sadistic violence.

And the media is largely ignoring it. They are too busy examining President Trump’s every hangnail.

The good news is that, in recent years, numerous indictments have been brought against prominent men in academia, medicine, and federal and state agencies. These men, incredibly, were able to conceal their addictions to watching innocent children be raped and tortured, hiding behind cloaks of respectability.

These were – and are – people at the top of their professions. Some have not yet been caught and locked away forever. I am hoping that changes very soon.

And think about this. If we are mystified by the seeds of radical revolution being encouraged on college campuses, this may explain some of it. Students’ favorite professors may be viewing, in their spare time, online streaming images of toddlers being raped.

It’s an epidemic of cleverly-disguised monsters consorting with demons, with America’s children as their victims.

And the perpetrator list includes numerous doctors, some with Ivy League pedigrees, who have access to children. Here are just a few examples from Lori’s research. where she links to local media coverage (where arrests are often reported, and then media interest disappears).

Dr. Richard Keller was a pediatric endocrinologist at Boston Children’s Hospital who also taught at Harvard Medical School. He was arrested for possession of child pornography, including videos of boys in explicit sexual scenarios, material he received while medical director of the prestigious Phillips Academy, a position he had held for nineteen years.

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I enjoyed this interview with my friend Dr. Chaps Klingenschmitt on the Milo Yiannopoulos controversy and the whole notion of “gay conservatives.” Gordon James (Dr. “Chaps”) Klingenschmitt is the director of the Pray in Jesus Name Project . As you can see, we are both torn on Milo. [See my recent piece in LifeSiteNews. “Milo still defends sex between men and teenage boys despite blowback.”] In the interview, I attempt to bring out the subversive aspects of Milo’s “conservatism,” which includes his bawdy, sodomitic humor that is way too disgusting to describe in depth on pro-family program.

And yet, as you can see beginning at 11:45 in this video, Milo brilliantly analyzes the recent violent UC-Berkeley riots by leftists targeting his (canceled) speech there. Chaps notes Milo’s recent apology for joking about pederasty (sex between men and boys) in which he was involved, and I discuss the reality of “man-boy love” (sodomy) in the homosexual subculture going way, way back. Chaps also notes a reality that was almost ignored due to the Milo controversy: CPAC is now again pandering to homosexual activists, thus undermining Ronald Reagan’s “three-legged stool” of conservatism. Two-legged stools don’t stand up, so the GOP is headed for big trouble if it continues to jettison the homosexual issue. Chaps says a prayer for Milo at the end of the video. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera